President-Elect of Society of Woman Geographers

I am proud to announce that I was just elected President-elect of the Society of Woman Geographers. I was nominated as a member of this organization when I was a graduate student and have found the members to be fascinating. Their work runs the breadth of geographic inquiry. We currently have about 500 members who are nominated by existing members. Please contact me if you are interested in becoming a student or professional member. (


The Society of Woman Geographers is a global community created to foster meaningful and inclusive connections, share knowledge, encourage research and exploration, and provide mentorship and support for a diverse network of bold, woman-identifying researchers, scientists, explorers, and change-makers.


The Society of Woman Geographers supports the limitless potential and curiosity of woman-identifying scientists, artists, explorers, and advocates as they work to create positive impacts in the stewardship, study, and exploration of human culture and the natural world.

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