Cynthia K. Pope, Ph.D.
Department of Geography
Central Connecticut State University
New Britain, CT 06050
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Fields of Research
Academic Work Experience
Administrative Experience
Honors, Fellowships, & Grants
Committees & Professional Service
Professional Memberships
M.S. Committee Chair
International Research Experience
Medical/Health Geography; Gendered vulnerability to HIV/AIDS; Youth caregiving and ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease); Geopolitics of health; Women’s Health and Migration; Caribbean and Latin America; Cuba; Belize; Mixed research methods
Ph.D., 2003. The University of Arizona, Geography. Specialty: Medical/Health Geography. Concentration: Latin American Studies.
- Dissertation: Mapping Disease and Desire: Gender and Perceptions of HIV Risk at the Turn of the Millennium in Havana, Cuba
M.A., 1997. The University of Arizona, Latin American Studies. Concentration: Medical Geography.
- Thesis: Babies and Borderlands: Factors that Influence Sonoran Women’s Choice to Seek Prenatal Care in Southern Arizona
B.A., 1994. University of South Carolina-Columbia. Majors: Latin American Studies and Spanish. Phi Beta Kappa.
8/2011-present—Professor, Central Connecticut State University, Department of Geography
8/2013-8/2015, 1/2019-8/2019—Chairperson of Geography Department, Central CT State University
8/2006-5/2011—Associate Professor, Central Connecticut State University, Department of Geography
8/2001-7/2006—Assistant Professor, Central Connecticut State University, Department of Geography
8/2006-12/2009—Lecturer, Yale University, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health
8/2019-present—Editorial Board, Signos Geograficos
5/2008-present—Editorial Board, Human Geography
1/2004-8/2009—Editorial Board, Journal of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Education for Children & Youth
5/2007-8/2008—Editorial Board, Transformations, The Journal of Inclusive Scholarship and Pedagogy
8/2013-8/2015, 1/2019-8/2019—Chairperson, Geography Department
8/2013-8/2015—President, NESTVAL (New England St. Lawrence Valley) Geography Association
8/2011-8/2013—Vice-President, NESTVAL
8/2009-7/2011 and 8/2002-7/2004—Co-Coordinator, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program, Central Connecticut State University (CCSU). In charge of organizing yearly conference, teaching courses, organizing course offerings, coordinating lectures, advising students, creating and administering annual budget, promoting program, and promoting faculty.
8/2005-5/2009—Co-Coordinator, Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program, CCSU. In charge of arranging guest lectures, coordinating a year-long seminar for students and faculty, coordinating internships, creating and administering annual budget, advising students.
5/2007-6/2008–Chairperson, New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) Standard 4 Committee, CCSU. Standards 4 dealt specifically with assessment procedures at the university. I was in charge of compiling and reviewing information about assessment policies for every department and program on campus and writing a summary. This was considered the most important element of the review.
6/2007-8/2007—Interim Director, Tourism and Hospitality Program, CCSU. Duties included advising students, promoting the program, speaking with local tourism agencies.
1/2005-5/2005—Interim Chairperson, Geography Department, CCSU. In charge of compiling class schedule, assisted in hiring part-time faculty, overseeing budget, coordinating various departmental committees, liaising with Dean’s office.
6/2000-7/2001—Program Coordinator, One-to-One project, University of Arizona, National Institutes of Health grant on Hepatitis C risk reduction program for injection drug using couples in Tucson, Arizona. In charge of reviewing interview and group session protocols, collecting data, office administration, writing articles.
- Excellence in Teaching Award Honor Roll, 2006, 2007, 2012, 2019
- Invited to American Colleges and Universities annual conference by the Dean, 2014.
- Inducted into Society of Woman Geographers, 2000
Invited Speaker or discussant:
- Invited Critique in “Critique Meets Author,” American Association of Geographers, Denver, 2020
- Michigan State University, 2017, Colloquium on Qualitative Fieldwork Methods
- University of West Virginia, 2017, Colloquium on Cuba research
- Greater Hartford Coalition on Cuba, 2016, Invited Panelist at talk by Cuban Ambassador in U.S.
- University of Connecticut, 2015, Panel on Careers in Geography
- Ball State University, 2010, Colloquium on Research in Cuba
- Fairfield University, 2011, Keynote Speaker, Global Citizenship and Academia Lecture Series,
- Geography Graduate Society, CCSU, 2010, International Fieldwork Opportunities
- Visiting Fellows in Assessment: AP Human Geography, 2021
- WVU ADVANCE scholarship, 2013-2015. Mentored a minority junior faculty (Dr. Maria Perez) at West Virginia University, emphasizing scientific collaborations with Cuban specialists, including geographers.
- Yale Latin American Studies Fellow, 10/04-5/06, The Geographies of Risk and Representation: Gender, Nationalism, Disease, and Security in Cuba
- Nominated for Teresa Lorenzo Long Institute for Latin American Studies (LLILAS), University of Texas at Austin, Spring 2009, Visiting Research Professor
- Nominated for Harrington Fellowship, University of Texas at Austin, Academic Year 2009-2010
Grants Awarded:
- CSU-AAUP Research Grant, $5,000, 4/21, The Gendered Impacts of COVID-19 in Belize, Central America.
- CSU-AAUP Research Grant, $5,000, 4/20, The Everyday Geographies of Caregiving: Youth experiences of caring for parents with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) in Connecticut.
- CSU-AAUP Research Grant, $5,000, 4/19, A Stressful Exile: Comparative Acculturation Stress of Cuban and Venezuelan Refugees in Non-traditional Housing Locations in the United States.
- CCSU Curriculum Development Grant, $1,200, 4/18, Creation of the course GEOG 100: Contemporary Migration in a Changing World (first taught in Spring 2019)
- CSU-AAUP Research Grant, $5,000, 4/18, “Acculturation Stress” in Cuban Migrants: A Medical Geography Case Study of Cuban Refugees Living in Non-Traditional Settlement Sites in the U.S. and Abroad
- CSU-AAUP Research Grant, $5,000, 4/17, “Acculturation Stress” in Cuban Migrants: A Medical Geography Case Study of Cuban Refugees Living in Non-Traditional Settlement Sites in the U.S. and Abroad
- CSU-AAUP Research Grant, $3,500, 4/15, Geographies of Health Care in Cuba: From Revolution to Privatization?
- CSU-AAUP Research Grant, $4,050, 3/14, Lives at Risk: Seeking Reasons and Solutions for the Increase in HIV Incidence in Belize, Central America
- CSU-AAUP Research Grant, $3,750, 4/13, Lives at Risk: Seeking Reasons and Solutions for the Increase in HIV Incidence in Belize, Central America
- CSU-AAUP Research Grant, $5,000, 4/12, The Changing Landscape of HIV/AIDS Risk in Belize: Migrants, Marginalization, and National Security
- CSU, Faculty Development Grant, $1,800, 5/11, Development of Geography of Food Senior and Graduate Seminar (with Dr. Sommers)
- CSU, Faculty Development Grant, $1,500, 5/10, Developing Assessment Plans for Geography Programs (with Dr. Kyem and Dr. Shen)
- CSU-AAUP Research Grant, $3,225, 4/10 and 4/11, Confronting Policies of Discrimination: Living with HIV/AIDS in Belize, Central America
- CCSU, Summer Curriculum Development Grant, $1,800, 4/10, Program revision for Geography majors: Integration of Senior Seminar Capstone course (GEOG 498).
- CCSU, School of Arts & Sciences, Dean’s Research Initiative, $1,500 (full amount), 11/09, The Revolution Will Be Twittered: Cyber-Geographies of Political Dissent in Cuba
- CSU-AAUP Research Grant, $5,000, 3/09, Living with HIV/AIDS in Belize: An Ethnography of Personal Experiences with National AIDS Policy.
- CCSU, School of Arts & Sciences, Dean’s Research Initiative, $2,000, 12/08, Living with HIV/AIDS in Belize: An Ethnography of Personal Experiences with National AIDS Policy
- CSU, $3,750, 4/08, Gender and Political Transition in Havana: Perceptions of and Responses to Systematic Changes in Cuba
- CSU, Faculty Development Grant, $4,000, 5/08, CCSU Seminar in Latin American Society and Culture and CSU-ConnLAP Latin American Studies Conference.
- National Science Foundation (collaboration with faculty at AAG, Texas State University, Pan American Institute for Geography and History), $48,000, 5/07, Workshop in La Serena, Chile on International Geographic Collaboration.
- CSU-AAUP Research Grant, $5,000, 4/07, Geography of an Emerging Epidemic: HIV/AIDS Risk, Economic Crisis, and Gender in Central Cuba
- CCSU, School of Arts & Sciences, Dean’s Research Initiative, $1610, 1/07, Mapping Community Norms of HIV Stigma and Discrimination in Belize
- CCSU Curriculum Development Grant, $1,450, 4/06, New Approaches to Teaching Regional and Medical Geography: Development of the Courses “Geography of Commodities in Latin America” and “HIV/AIDS in the International Context” at CCSU
- CSU-AAUP Research Grant, Negotiated Risks: Economic Dependency, Gender, and HIV/AIDS Transmission in Western Belize, 1/06, $5,000
- Fulbright Visiting Professor, with Hartford Women’s Studies Consortium, 4/05, $7,500
- CSU, $5,000, 3/05, The Gendered and Cultural Impacts of HIV/AIDS: A geographic analysis of virus transmission in San Ignacio, Belize.
- CSU (with Dr. White), $2,400, 5/04, Developing an Innovative Core3 Curriculum: Standardizing Syllabi for Women’s Studies 200 and Women’s Studies 400.
- CCSU, Center for International Education, $500, 5/03, seed money for HIV research in Jamaica
- CSU (with Dr. Sommers and Dr. Truly), 5/03, $20,000, to develop on-line geography courses.
- CCSU, Strategic Planning Initiative, $10,000, 4/02 From Local to the Global: Gender, HIV, and sustainable development in Uganda
- CSU, Faculty Research Grant, $3,150, 3/02 Discourses of Disease and Danger: Women and AIDS Risk in Havana, Cuba
- CCSU, Faculty-Student Research Grants
- $250, 11/01, GIS and Land use issues in Connecticut (L. DiGiro, student)
- $170, 12/03, Polish Women Immigrants to Central Connecticut (J. Trzesniewski, student)
- $250, 12/03, The Politics of Gender Equity in Cuba (N. Boney-Sharpe, student)
- National Security Education Program, $21,700, 5/99
- Johns Hopkins University Cuba Exchange Program/School of Public Health, $2,750, 2/99
- Tinker Foundation, $1,100, 5/98
- Inter-American Foundation, $2,500, 5/96
Conference travel grants:
- American Association of University Professors
- Association of American Geographers (AAG)
- Central Connecticut State University
- Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers
- Department of Geography and Regional Development, University of Arizona
- Geographic Perspectives on Women AAG specialty group
- Graduate College Travel Fund at the University of Arizona
- Latin American Area Center at the University of Arizona
- Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy, University of Arizona
- Urban Geography, AAG specialty group
- Women’s Studies Advisory Council, University of Arizona
University (in chronological order):
- 2019-2020, 2017-2018, Chair, Department Evaluation Committee
- 2017-present, Early Learning Program advisory board
- 2008-2015, Graduate Studies Committee
- 2010-2012, 2018, Senate Representative, Geography Department
- 2010-2012, Elections Committee, University Senate
- 2010-2012, Academic Freedom Committee, University Senate
- 2010-2012, Chair, Sabbatical Committee, Geography Department
- 2010-2015, Member, Assessment Committee, Department of Geography
- 2009-2012, AAUP liaison, Geography Department
- Spring 2008, Member, Ad Hoc Committee for Center for International Education Academic Standards
- 2007-2014, Chair, University Textbook Review Committee
- 2007-present, Member, Department Evaluation Committee (DEC)
- 2007-2008, Chair, NEASC Standards 4 Committee
- 2006-2010, University Curriculum Committee
- 2005-present, Member, Sabbatical Leave Committee, Department of Geography
- 2005-2007, Faculty Advisor, Habitat for Humanity
- 2004-2006, Graduate Studies Coordinator and Advisor, Department of Geography
- 2004-2012, Graduate Studies Committee
- 2004-2007, Latin American Studies Seminar Series co-coordinator
- 2004-2009, Faculty Liaison, University of Havana
- 2004-2005, Advisor, Peru Club
- 2004-2005, Graduate Scholarship Committee
- 2003-2005, Co-Director, Women’s Studies Program
- 2003-2004, Member, Faculty Senate
- 2002-2007, Library Liaison, Department of Geography
- 2001-2010, Latin American Studies Advisory Committee
- 2001-present, Women’s Studies Program Advisory Committee
- 2001-present, International and Areas Studies Committee, Latin America region
- 2001-2004, Committee on the Concerns of Women
- 2002-2004, University Athletics Board
Regional and National Service and Community Engagement:
- 2019—Board Member, Society of Woman Geographers (national election)
- 2018-present, Invited Member, Task Force on Regional Divisions (AAG), representing NESTVAL
- 2018-present, Invited Member, Committee on Fellows (AAG)
- 2018-present, Director, Connecticut High School Geography Challenge (sponsored by CT Geog. Assoc.)
- 2016—present, presentations at regional libraries (topics include Coffee, Chocolate, Migration, Disease)
- 2017-2019, Invited Speaker, CCSU’s Life and Leisure Series
- 2017, Invited Speaker, Geography of Coffee and Geography of Chocolate, Avon Library
- 2014, 2015, 2017, Society of Woman Geographers Pruitt Dissertation Fellowship selection committee
- member
- 2014-2016, President of the New England-St. Lawrence Valley geography association (NESTVAL)
- 2011-2013, Vice President of the New England-St. Lawrence Valley geography association (NESTVAL)
- 2010-current, Newsletter Editor for Northeast Region, Society for Women Geographers
- 2008-current, Greater Hartford Coalition on Cuba, invited speaker to various events
- 2010-present—Judge, Connecticut Geography Bee
- 2008-2009, Nominating Committee, Medical Geography Specialty Group, Association of American
- Geographers (AAG)
- 2008, Invited Speaker, Burlington and Farmington, Connecticut libraries, Cuba Now presentation
- 2007-2009, Secretary, New England-St. Lawrence Valley geographic association (NESTVAL)
- 2005-present, Member, CT Microbicides NOW!
- 2002-present, Member, Society of Woman Geographers, and on Triennial Planning Committee
- 2004-2008, Institutional Review Board member, Hispanic Health Council, Hartford, CT
- 2007, Ad Hoc committee on membership issues for Society of Woman Geographers
- 2005-2007, Connecticut Representative, New England-St. Lawrence Valley geographic association
- 2004-2007, Co-Chair, Medical Geography Specialty Group (MGSG), Association of American
- Geographers
- 2004-2007, 1999-2001, Geographic Perspectives of Women (GPOW) board member
- 2002-2004, Committee on the Status of Women in Geography, Association of American Geographers
- American Public Health Association (APHA)
- Association of American Geographers (AAG)
- AAG Specialty Groups—Medical, Qualitative Methods, Geographic Perspectives of Women, Latin America
- Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers (CLAG)
- Global Health Council
- International Geographic Union (IGU)
- IGU Specialty Groups—Health, Environment, and Society; Gender and Geography
- Latin American Studies Association (LASA)—Cuban Studies and Gender Studies specialty groups
- National Council for Geographic Education (NCGE)
- Northeast-St. Lawrence Valley Geographic Association (NESTVAL)
- Society of Woman Geographers (SWG)—First student member and current member, Ad-hoc membership committee (2007)
- T. Dymkowski, Cultural Geography of Natural Disasters: Five case studies
- E. Rowe, The Visage of an Island: A Comparison of the Religious, Political, and Ethnic Landscape in Post-1974 Cyprus
- H. Webb, The Gringo’s Handbook to Latin America: A curriculum guide to a high school world language course
- A. Parkinson, Terrorists, Freedom Fighters or Friends?: A curriculum guide or a high school regional studies course on the Middle East
- M. Lallier, Emerging Frameworks of the Interconnections of Media, Law, and Environmental Risk: The Case of Mold in Connecticut
- J. Melián, Tourism in Cuba: Paradigms for Sustainability
- D. Pearson, AIDS Orphans in Sub-Sahara Africa
- M. Rancourt, Alcoholism as Disease or Behavior: Toward a Spatial Analysis of Alcohol Consumption in Central Connecticut.
- M. Sarfo, A Spatial Analysis of HIV/AIDS Transmission and Distribution in Ghana
- J. Trzesniewski, Polish Women Immigrants in Central Connecticut: Redefining Gender Norms from a Spatial Perspective
- S. Smith, Aerial Perspective and Geography: An Historical Look at the Use of Aircraft to Gain a Sense of Place
- J. Vasseur, The Geographical Implications of Alzheimer’s Disease: An Examination of the Impact that Alzheimer’s Disease Has on Family Caregivers in Connecticut
- T. Brodnitzki, Cross-Age Application of Advanced Placement Human Geography
- J. Kocaba, The Geographic Influences of a Vegetarian Lifestyle in Connecticut
- A. Leite, A Tourism Plan for Recife, Brazil
- N. Bazinet, The Role of Geography in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Soldiers Returning to the United States
- T. Powell, The Importance of Monarch Butterfly Migration Resources along the Eastern and Coastal States Flyway: A Case Study of Fisher Meadows in Avon, Connecticut
- A. Stefon, Brazil’s Rise as an Economic Superpower and Foreign Policy Agenda Today
External committee member:
- 2008, Thesis Committee Chair, Jennifer Michaelove, Biomedical and Cultural Modeling of Avian Bird Flu in Egypt, Yale University.
- 2008, Thesis Committee Chair, Takudzwa Shumba, Factors Affecting HIV Diffusion in Zimbabwe, Yale University
- 2007, Thesis Committee Chair, Michael Smith, Socioeconomic Determinants of HIV Risk in Bawa, Cameroon, Yale University
- 2007, Thesis Committee Member, Saba Anwar, Tuberculosis Trends in Philadelphia, Yale University
- 2006, Thesis Committee Member, Veronica Escamilla, Factors Affecting Condom Use in Rural Malawi, University of Illinois-Champagne-Urbana
- Lived, worked, and/or conducted long-term fieldwork in Japan, Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Uganda
- 1998-present, Havana, Cuba, research on women’s and girls’ perceptions of HIV risk; on sexuality, marginalization, and geopolitics; mental health and migration from Cuba
- 2005-present, Belize, ethnicity, economic development, HIV risk, and health care access
- 2003—Montego Bay, Jamaica, research on globalization and women’s HIV risk
- 2002—Kampala and Mbarara, Uganda, research on microloans and HIV vulnerability in rural Uganda
- 1996-2001—Ambos Nogales (Nogales, Arizona and Nogales, Mexico), research on crossing Mexico border to seek preventive health care in Arizona; research on injection drug use and HIV/Hepatitis C risk; research on Systematic Lupus Erythematosus