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Peer Reviewed Articles and Chapters
Books & Special Issues
Book Reviews
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Peer Reviewed Articles and Chapters:
  • Pope, C., J. Finn, and Y. Garcia Sarduy. 2020. COVID-19 in Latin America: A Medical Geography Perspective. Journal of Latin American Geography 19(3): 167-176.
  • Pope, C. 2020. Coronavirus in Belize: A Central American Success. Journal of Latin American Geography 19(3): 340-346.
  • Pope, C. and J. Finn. 2017. Editors’ Introduction: Geographies of Contemporary Cuba. Human Geography 10(3).
  • Pope, C. 2013. Geographies of HIV and Marginalization: A Case Study of HIV/AIDS Risk among Mayan Communities in Western Belize. In Ecologies and Politics of Health, eds. B. King and K. Crews, New York and London, Routledge, pages 178-195.
  • Pope, C. 2012. Therapeutic Imaginaries in the Caribbean: Competing Approaches to HIV/AIDS Policy in Cuba and Belize. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 102 (5): 1157-1164. DOI: 10.1080/00045608.2012.659971.
  • Pope, C. and G. Shoultz. 2012. An Interdisciplinary Approach to HIV/AIDS Stigma and Discrimination in Belize: The Roles of Geography and Ethnicity. GeoJournal, 77(4): 489-503. DOI:10.1007/s10708-010-9360-z
  • Pope, C. and E. Kalipeni. 2012. Introduction to Special Issue on International Geographies of HIV/AIDS. GeoJournal 77(4): 445-448. DOI 10.1007/s10708-010-9346-x
  • Pope, C., E. Kalipeni, and K. Flynn. 2009. Introduction: Women and HIV/AIDS in Africa. In Strong Women, Dangerous Times: HIV/AIDS in Africa, eds. Kalipeni, Flynn, and Pope. NOVA Publishers.
  • Pope, C., R. White, and R. Malow. 2009. Global convergences: Emerging Issues in HIV Risk, Prevention, and Treatment. In HIV/AIDS: Global Frontiers in Prevention/Intervention, eds. C. Pope, R. White, and R. Malow. New York and London, Routledge Press.
  • White, C. Pope, and R. Malow. 2009. HIV, Public Health, and Social Justice: Reflections on the Ethics and Politics of Health Care. In HIV/AIDS: Global Frontiers in Prevention/Intervention, Eds. C. Pope, R. White, and R. Malow. New York and London, Routledge Press.
  • T.C. Green and C. Pope. 2008. Using a GIS Framework to Assess Hurricane Recovery Needs of Substance  Abuse Center Clients in Katrina- and Rita-affected Areas. In Geography and Drug Addiction, eds. Y. Thomas, D. Richardson, and I. Cheung, Springer, Washington DC, 369-389.
  • Pope, C and R. White. 2007. Global Impact: U.S. Sexual Health and Reproductive Policy. 21st Century Sexualities, eds. G. Herdt and  C. Howe, Routledge Press.
  • Pope, C. 2005. The Political Economy of Desire: Gendered Construction of Sex Work in Havana, Cuba. Journal of International Women’s Studies 6(2): 99-118. Access:
  • Pope, C. 2004. Navigating Cuba’s Changing Cultural Landscapes: Reflections from a panel discussion. Proceedings: New England-St. Lawrence Valley Geographical Society. 33: 100-108.
  • Pope, C. 2004. Crossing Borders and Building Bridges: Feminist Geography in the 1990s. Collaborated and edited the feminist geography chapter in Geography in America at the Dawn of the 21st Center, ed. Gary Gaile and Cort Willmott. Washington, DC, AAG: 736-758.
  • Pope, C. 2001. Babies and Borderlands: Factors Influencing Sonoran Women’s Decision to Seek Prenatal
  • Care in Southern Arizona. In Geographies of Women’s Health, eds. S.L. McLafferty, I. Dyck, and N. Lewis. London and New York, Routledge: 143-158.
  • Walsh, Bridget, Cynthia Pope, et al. 2001. SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) in a Mexico Border Town. Journal of Clinical Rheumatology. 7:3-9.
  • Pope, C. 1998. Medicina sin fronteras: el caso de las mujeres sonorenses que reciben atención médica prenatal en Arizona. 1998. Noésis. 10(20-21): 39-62.



Books and Special Issues:
  • Pope, C. Release date 2023. Contemporary Global Migration, editor and contributor. Under contract with ABC-CLIO.
  • Pope, C. and J. Finn. 2017. Special Issue of Human Geography on Contemporary Geographies of Cuba.
  • Pope, C. and E. Kalipeni, eds. 2012. Special Issue of GeoJournal on Geography of HIV/AIDS.
  • Pope, C., R. White, and R. Malow, eds. 2009. HIV/AIDS: Frontiers in Global Prevention/Intervention. New York, Routledge.
  • Kalipeni, E., K. Flynn, and C. Pope, eds. 2009. Strong Women, Dangerous Times: Gender and HIV/AIDS in Africa. New York, NOVA Science.



Book Reviews:
  • Pope, C. 2013. Humanist Geography: An Individual’s Search for Meaning (by Yi Fu Tuan), The Northeastern Geographer 5(2013): 72-74.
  • Pope, C. 2009. Special issue of BelGeo on gender and geography around the world (ed. By Janice Monk and Maria Dolors Garcia). For Gender, Place & Culture 16(6): 767 – 778.
  • Pope, C. 2006. Compartiendo historias de fronteras: Cuerpos, géneros, generaciones y salud. (Sharing border histories: Bodies, genders, generations and health). Eds. C. A. Denman, J. Monk, Ojeda de la Pena. For Journal of Latin American Geography. 5(2):140-141.
  • Pope, C. 2006. Gendered Paradoxes: Women’s Movements, State Restructuring, and Global Development in Ecuador. Gender, Place & Culture. 13(2).
  • Pope, C. 2005. Islands of Women and Amazons: Representations and Realities. Journal of Latin American Geography 2(1): 111-112.



Other Publications:
  • Pope, C. 2018. “Bahamas” for Encyclopedia of Latin America, ABC-CLIO.
  • Pope, C. 2018. “Belize” for Encyclopedia of Latin America, ABC-CLIO.
  • Pope, C. and W. Price. 2016. “Fieldwork in Human Geography” for AAG’s International Encyclopedia of Geography.
  • Pope, C. February 25, 2008. “A Real Lever for Cuba” The Hartford Courant. Op-Ed Article. Page A9.
  • Pope, C. and R. White. February 24, 2003. “Keep Ideology Out of Fight against AIDS” The Hartford Courant, Op-Ed article.
  • World Press Encyclopedia. 2002. Gayle Publishing: Panama, Peru, Uruguay Cuba and the Economic Crisis. 2001. Slides and narrative for the ARGworld project sponsored by the Association of American Geographers.



  • ACME: On-Line Journal of Critical Geography
  • African Journal of AIDS Research
  • African Journal of Microbiology Research
  • Annals of the Association of American Geographers
  • Annals of Tourism Research
  • Applied Geography
  • Canadian Journal of Latin American Studies
  • Evaluation & the Health Professions
  • Feminist Economics
  • Gender, Place, and Culture
  • Geographical Review
  • GeoJournal
  • Guilford Press
  • Health and Place
  • Human Geography
  • Journal of Adolescent Health
  • Journal of Applied Geography
  • Journal of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Education for Children and Youth
  • Journal of Latin American Geography
  • McGraw-Hill
  • National Science Foundation
  • The Northeastern Geographer
  • Oxford University Press
  • Prentice Hall
  • Routledge Press
  • Sex Education
  • Southeastern Journal of Geography
  • Taylor and Francis
  • Tourism Planning & Development
  • Wiley Publishers



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